Executive Assessment and Performacne Management

Featured HR Services and Innovations

A core driver at HRA is to "achieve solutions which are highly innovative yet deeply practical." As such, we are always prepared to work with clients to go-out-of-the-box and seek state-of-the-art paradigms and approaches rather than tweaking and repackaging those that have been around "for ever." We are also consistently alert to opportunities for uniquely tailoring process and tools for particular client needs and circumstances.

Following are a sample of featured innovations and services that HRA offers. Items on this page will change periodically. Currently featured innovations and services include the following:

HR Metrics and Analytics

Collaboration and Creativity Corner

HRA experts are deeply committed to strong thought and solution partnerships aimed at deep, practical innovation.  For more information and open dialogue submit your questions/comments/thoughts below, phone 847.266.1100 or email your questions.




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