Executive Assessment and Performacne Management

HRA Quick Cycle Surveys™

Executive Assessments and MeasurementWith rapidly emerging changes in current economic and business environments, the identification of employee and customer perspectives and ideas is often critical for meeting the issues head-on and responding in an effective and agile manner. HRA is prepared to work with clients to identify the most impactful data elements that may be obtained from a survey; and then applied to quickly react to fast change in both a proactive and reactive manner. We work with clients to focus on the most critical data points in a laser-like manner -- what do they absolutely need to know and why.

HRA Quick-Cycle surveys may be constructed and implemented in a quick and efficient manner without having to go through the extensive efforts and costs associated with common large-scale employee surveys. Online surveys can be designed with sophisticated methodologies including item branching based on respondent category, different responses, etc. The content and format of survey reports are designed to best accommodate the needs related to a given situation and particular client preferences.

Collaboration and Creativity Corner

HRA experts are deeply committed to strong thought and solution partnerships aimed at deep, practical innovation.  For more information and open dialogue submit your questions/comments/thoughts below, phone 847.266.1100 or email your questions.




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