Executive Assessment and Performacne Management

Performance and Talent Alignment Process™

Human Resource Departments are often accused of devoting their efforts to the "squeakiest wheels" and the "flavor of the month." In this regard, it is imperative that HR resists the inertia of going with the flow, pulls back and provides business units with tools to systematically assess and determine where HR Alignment is most needed.

The HRA Performance and Talent Alignment Process is designed as a means for organizations to obtain a 60,000-foot view and holistic perspective before sprinting out of the gate to build, fix or introduce the next greatest HR process. The goal is to assure more of a solution-focus than a process-focus. With the results from the Alignment Process, HR can work with the business focused on the most important solutions for their organization.

A Holistic View of Performance and Talent -- The Big Picture

In accordance with the legendary parable of the elephant, different people and groups commonly have independent approaches based on their separate perspectives. The Talent and Performance Alignment Process is, by design, very intentionally focused on all aspects of HR that impact talent and performance. It is very unique in that it truly spans all human resource areas with one common goal: optimizing talent and performance.

The Tool -- Human Resource Alignment Inventory

Core to the Performance and Talent Alignment Process is the Human Resource Alignment Inventory. The tool was designed based on one of the core HRA Alignment Models. The model includes ten HR Alignment Categories (e.g. talent management) that drive five Employee Performance Enablers (e.g., talent). These alignment categories and performance enablers. in turn, drive employee performance effectiveness, organizational effectiveness and, ultimately, business results.

The HR Alignment Inventory is an interactive, computer-based tool that systematically assesses gaps in process and capabilities in each of the ten alignment categories and more specific areas of alignment. Gaps are assessed in terms of size and criticality. Users are provided the opportunity to localize gaps in terms of business units, locations, levels and positions. They also generate improvement opportunities.

The Process -- Bringing HR and the Business Together

The Performance and Talent Alignment Process and activities are tailored to an organization's resources and objectives. The Alignment Inventory and Process can be administered to individuals or groups.

The recommended approach is to bring representatives from a business unit and human resources professionals to the table in an off-site session. The team then systematically uses the HR Alignment Inventory as a means to focus discussion on the key human resource issues facing the business.

The Yield -- A Comprehensive Review of Alignment

The output of the Performance and Talent Alignment Process is a comprehensive and clear view of HR Capabilities relative to core business needs and goals. HR Areas of Alignment (AOAs) include actual employee capabilities as well as HR process capabilities. Key components of the final report include:

  • Relative gaps in each AOA
  • Criticality of the each gap and impacts on the business
  • Localization of the gaps -- where the gaps are of greatest concern
  • Specification of improvement opportunities

Process Objectives

There are several objectives to the Performance and Talent Alignment Process as follows:

  • Focus Dialogue. Bring HR and business units together to systematically generate and focus dialogue. The perfect structure to focus an offsite on an organization's performance and talent capabilities.
  • Systematically Prioritize using Alignment Software. Identify and systematically prioritize areas of misalignment between employee and HR capabilities and key business objectives.
  • Identify improvement opportunities and update the HR Agenda.

The Applications

The Performance and Talent Alignment Process was developed for general use to assess and identify HR priorities across the business. Key applications include:

  • Rigorous HR health check and/or a diagnostic of HR problems.
  • Systematic change management assessment for: 1) new HR leaders; 2) new business leadership, 3) restructuring, or 4) M&A.
  • Comparisons in a distributed environment.
  • Focused off-site event with HR and business unit reps


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Organization Performance Alignment


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HRA experts are deeply committed to strong thought and solution partnerships aimed at deep, practical innovation.  For more information and open dialogue submit your questions/comments/thoughts below, phone 847.266.1100 or email your questions.




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